Monday, 16 March 2009

This, folks, is why you are here.

Yesterday, I had two epiphanies.

The first one was that I have no reason and not enough to write about to have a personal blog, and, if I did keep one, I would needlessly bore everyone to death.

The second one was a bit more important than that. It involves the future purpose of this blog. Because it will have one. Following (well, sort of) in the steps of the original Yellow Book, in the style of modern blogs including Cute Overload and I Can Has Cheezburger?, the purpose of this Yellow Book will be to feature undeservedly obscure writers and artists.

So basically, if there are good writers or artists out there that you know of but hardly anyone else does, tell us about them! Many people know what it's like to be obscure when you want recognition, and many others dream of finding the next big thing - but no-one can be great without a little help. Please e-mail suggestions to!

(Also looking for team members with a similar motive to help me with this project. E-mails to same, please ^^)

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